Tuesday, December 22, 2015


    Red snapper has a red colored scales. These fish occupy the highest number in the kind of snapper are commonly found in the waters of Indonesia Sea. This fish is also one of the favorites of anglers fish in Indonesia. Choose red snapper that has a smooth surface, shiny and the gills are still red. snapper fillet fresh meat looks white and spongy and avoid if it smells fishy.
    Some benefit of red snapper is sources of selenium, red snapper weighing 3 ounces contains 32.5 mg of the mineral. And selenium is important for preventing the oxidation of fat and antioxidant effective when combined with vitamin E. Sources of phosphorus, Phosphorus is very useful for health and bone density and alkaline in the body that are often required for systems of the body that is too acidic. Source of protein, Red snapper contains 33% of the recommended daily value of protein. In 3 ounces red snapper contained 17.4 mg of protein needed to produce energy, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Red snapper contain complete protein containing essential amino acids. Contains vitamin A, vitamin D, and omega 3 fatty acids which is very good for the intelligence of baby and children who are still growing.

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