Thursday, December 17, 2015


    Guava has a Latin name Psidium guajava and is included in the family Myrtaceae. Guava fruit has a sweet taste although there is also a very sour taste. Pink flesh and there are also white flesh. Seeds itself is hard, many and small. In addition to fiber, especially pectin which is a soluble fiber, guava also contain minerals such as manganese and magnesium, as well as essential amino acids such as tryptophan. Also beneficial phytochemicals such as elagat acid, linoleic acid, and the acid korbigen. 
  In 100 gr guava contains Energy 68 kcal, fiber 5.4 g, water 86 grams, irons 0:26 mg, folates 49 mcg, phosphorus 11 mg, thiamin 0.067 mg, total fat 0.95 g, Vitamin A 624 IU, vitamin C 228 mg, vitamin E 0.73 mg, vitamin K 2.6 mcg, potassium 417 mg, calcium 18 mg, carbohydrates 14.3 g, lycopene 5204 mcg, magnesium 22 mg, manganese 0.150 mg, sodium 2 mg, niacin 1084 mg, protein 2:55 g, pyridoxine 0.110 mg, riboflavin 0.040 mg, selenium 0.6 mcg , zinc 0:23 mg, 374 mcg of beta carotene, pantothenic acid 0.451 mg.
    Some benefit of guava is cure dengue fever because it can raise platelet levels, accelerate healing due to infection because high vitamin C, inhibit fat oxidation because lycopene in guava, lowering blood sugar because the fiber pectin in guava, fat binding because high fiber content, then guava can prevent cancer because they contain lycopene which is an antioxidant in guava and can prevent a variety of free radical damage. Oil guava leaves can be as natural antiproliferative agents and can help prevent the growth of cancer cells.

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