Thursday, December 31, 2015


    Pilates is an exercise method developed by Joseph Hubert Pilates originated in Germany in the early 20th century. This method focuses on flexibility and flexibility throughout the body. This exercise can improve posture and be able to correct the problems associated with spinal abnormalities. Pilates exercises rely on breathing with basic movements that focus on toning and body shaping. Not only that, this exercise can be modified according to the abilities and needs. Pilates can develop an athlete`s core, the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine makes athletes more agile, helps prevent injury and increases sports performance. From weekend warriors to elite professionals, athletes looking for a competitive edge are discovering that pilates helps you.
    Some benefit of pilates is improve balance, pilates focuses on the strength of the abdominal muscles. Strong abdominal muscles can improve balance and body as a whole. Increase energy, pilates exercises allow the supply of oxygen in the body increases. Increasing the supply of oxygen in the body to increase energy in the body significantly. Increase flexibility, as the movement in pilates exercise, the muscles will be stretched. So it is with your joints. This stretching movements that can help improve the flexibility of your body.  Increase muscle strength stomach, abdominal muscles are one part of a well-trained muscles while doing Pilates exercises, including the muscles of the middle of the body such as the back and pelvic part. Increased muscle strength midsection can improve balance and strength. Improve body posture, poor posture can cause a variety of disorders, ranging from shoulder pain to the back. Keeping the spine straight lines corresponding anatomical and maintain the natural curve of the spine is the foundation of pilates exercise. Increase metabolism, Increased metabolism is the beginning of the process of burning calories to lose weight. Improve concentration, exercise breath and concentration process in pilates is not only clears the mind, in pilates we are also focused on the body and movement. This relationship will increase our understanding of the functions of the body and soul of balance.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


    Milkfish (Chanos Chanos) is a popular food fish in Southeast Asia. This fish is the only extant species in the tribe Chanidae. They live in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean and tend to be clustered around the shores and islands with coral reefs. Fish that newly hatched young and living at sea for 2-3 weeks, then move to the mangrove swamps brackish water, and sometimes salty lakes. The new milkfish back into the sea if already mature and can reproduce. Milkfish favored as a food because it tastes savory, meat flavor neutral (not as salty as sea trout) and not easily destroyed when cooked. From the price, milkfish including fish upper middle class. Milkfish weakness is twofold: meat 'spines' and sometimes smell 'mud' / 'land'. 
    Spines are actually bone. These spines interfere with the enjoyment in eating meat. This can be overcome by the use of pressure cooker (presto or autoclaving) within a certain time, so that it becomes soft spines and can be destroyed if chewed. The smell of mud on a lot of experience on milkfish which taken from the pond. Milkfish reared in cages rarely smelled. The cause of the symptoms of the smell of mud are some Cyanobacteria, particularly from the genus Oscillatoria, Symloca, and Lyngbia, which produces geosmin. If the fish living in the rich geosmin or eating plankton, the meat will taste the soil. The smell of the mud can be overcome at least two ways. The first way is to keep the fish for 7-14 days in the water to flow freely biosmin before sale. The second way is by treatment with certain acid.
    Some benefit of milkfish is 3 ounces of cooked milkfish contains 162 calories, 22.4 g protein, 7.3 g fat, 2.9 g saturated fat, 78 mg sodium and 57 mg of cholesterol. Milkfish provide 116% of vitamin B, namely 12, 44% of niacin, 24% vitamin B6, and 15 percent of pantothenic acid, riboflavin, folic acid, and vitamin A. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends for adults to frequently consume them. 3 ounce of milkfish provides 25% of phosphorus and selenium, also contains other minerals are calcium, iron, kalium and zinc. Phosphorus is an essential mineral that is an integral part of oxygenation of red blood cells, while selenium is essential for the thyroid gland and immune function. Milkfish contains 9% of the total fat, Although milkfish contain more fat but that is 60% of it is monounsaturated fat which is healthy for the heart, including omega-3 fatty acids.

Monday, December 28, 2015


    Tilapia is a kind of freshwater fish consumption. This fish came from Africa, eastern Africa to be exact, in 1969, and has now become a popular pet fish in the pools of fresh water in Indonesia as well as pests in every river and lake in Indonesia. The scientific name is Oreochromis niloticus, and in English is known as Nile Tilapia. A medium sized fish, can reach a total length of about 30 cm or more.
    Dorsal fin (dorsal pinnae) with 16-17 spines (sharp) and 11-15 radius (soft spines); and anal fins (pinnae analyst) with 3 spines and 8-11 fingers. Body colored black or gray, with some transverse dark bands (stripes) are increasingly blurred in adult fish. Striped tail erect, 7-12 pieces. Throat, pectoral, pelvic fins, tail fins and dorsal fin tip with red or red (or yellow) when the breeding season. There was a line at the literalists linea truncus tool function is to balance the fish while swimming. Tilapia is also very appreciated for the quality of beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and protein. This fish have Calories (128 kcal), total fat (3 mg), saturated fat (1 mg), Unsaturated fat (2 mg), vitamin B12 (1.86 mcg), cholesterol (57 mg), phosphorus (204.00 mg), Selenium (54.40 mcg), protein (26 mg), niacin (4.74 mg), potassium (380 mg).
    Some benefit of tilapia is keeping healthy heart, omega 3 fatty acids may help reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Potassium contained in tilapia is to reduce blood pressure. Preventing prostate cancer, tilapia has very high levels of selenium. The study showed that selenium intake is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Selenium is known for its ability to reduce free radical activity in the body, thereby reducing the possibility of oxidative stress in every organ system, and mutation of healthy cells to become cancerous. Improve Brain health and intelligence, the content of omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish tilapia helps boost brain power and neurological function. Prevent Aging, intake of more than 20% of selenium each day in tilapia, very good for maintaining healthy skin, and stop the cell damage caused by free radicals. This will reduce wrinkles, dark spots premature aging.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


    Gurame (Osphronemus gouramy) is a species of freshwater fish are popular and liked as a food fish in Southeast Asia and South Asia. Wide and flat fish with a body length of 2 times the height of the body; total body length (with tail fins) can reach 1,000 mm. Pelvic fins with fingers short first form of thorns and second fingers of similar length flexible whip. Dorsal fin (dorsal) 11-14 (fingers hard or thorn) and 12-14 (fingers soft); while the anal fin (anal) 10-11 and 20-23. The young fish has a pointed snout, with 8-10 transverse band (stripe) in the body. If growing up these colors fade, and the head of the fish will swell irregularly.
    Gurame has a protein content as much as 19%. This result is much higher than other types of fish such as catfish, tilapia fish and goldfish. Moreover, the content of essential amino acids produced quite large. In addition to protein, the content of other nutrients contained in gurame is fat which amounted to 2.2%. These results are rated higher than goldfish only have a content of 2% and 0.49% parrotfish. Not only that, gurame also has other essential ingredients such as vitamins and other macronutrients and micronutrients.
    Some benefit of gurame is gurame have omega 3 fatty acids which is very much because it has a lot amount of meat as well. According to research that children who were given nutritional fish oil or fatty acids derived from fish able to trigger the development of brain cells and intelligence. Children will easily remember new things. Gurame can prevent coronary heart disease and high blood pressure due to high cholesterol such as lard beef, ribs, and others. Therefore, it needs replacement foods have complete nutrition but low in cholesterol such as gurame that has a high protein but low in fat which is 55 mg / 10 gr. Gurame can help muscle growth due to the very high protein content and very good for the growth of children. Accelerate the healing of wounds because protein in freshwater fish used by the body as an element of fibrinogen and thromboplastin. Its function is to assist blood clotting in case of injury. When you fall and get hurt, then the blood will come out of the skin. therefore, the body needs the blood clotting system to stop the wound. Here thromboplastin function works. Thereafter, fibrinogen helps to form new tissue as a replacement for damaged tissue.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


    Catfish is a species widely farmed for consumption purposes. Not only in Asia, this fish is also consumed in the countries of Africa, Europe and America East. Although the quality and taste of catfish from various countries may be different, but the fish is touted to have a lot of the nutrients that are beneficial to health. Each 100 grams of catfish contains an energy of 229 kilocalories. The protein content of catfish with a portion of the approximately 18 grams, about 8 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of fiber and 13 grams of fat. Catfish also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Catfish are also rich in vitamin D. Most catfish are sold in the market is a catfish of the Clarias species Batrachus L, because it contains more meat.
    Some benefit of catfish is catfish can be a source of high protein, which is about 20%. Catfish in the protein contained all the essential amino acids lysine, methionine and leucine with a higher protein content when compared to the protein in milk and meat. You need to know that almost 80% of freshwater fish ashore protein with cystine and methionine levels were high. Leucine is useful to assist the process of growth in children, is also useful for the formation and muscle reshuffle. Lysine helps the growth of children, were in the process of treatment of herpes needed lysine which will be the framework for niacin. The content of phosphorus in catfish, which reached 168 mg / 100 g proved to be higher than those found in eggs that only 100 mg. Phosphorus is useful to give strength and energy in the metabolism of fats and starches, into supporting healthy gums and teeth, helps the synthesis of DNA, as well as helping the absorption / use of calcium phosphorus is also more needed for pregnant women because it is useful for bone formation in the fetus. Comparison of kalium and natrium in catfish, which reached 24.5: 1 is also quite high so it is good for cardio health and your blood vessels. Low fat and high Omega 3, the fat contained in the fat catfish is simple nature, namely triglycerides are neutral. The fat is in the abdomen, especially in the lower part of the fish's body and found in fish liver.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


    Mackerel is a common name for a group of fish belonging to the genus Scomberomorus, Scombridae tribe. Bodied mackerel elongated, flattened passable strong on the sides, bare scales except on the lateral side. Tapered muzzle, with a wide mouth and sharp teeth and strong upper and lower jaws. Snout length (snout length) shorter than the rest of the back of the head. Dorsal fin in two files, which is ahead by 13-22 of fingers (thorn). Dorsal fin and anal fin followed by many additional small fins. A study has shown that in 100 grams of meat mackerel contained 21.5 g protein, 109 kcal of energy, fatty acid 2.6 g and 2.9 g mineral deposits.
    Some benefit of mackerel is cure urinary tract disorders, Mackerel fish offal is not thrown away because it can be used to cure urinary tract. But must be careful, because the liver mackerel fish must be intact and fresh. But the heart mackerel are only allowed for people aged 20-40 years. For seniors this way is considered risky because they have to be eaten raw. The content of protein and other substances that are high enough result of this treatment is not possible for everyone. Helps cure skin diseases, The fins of mackerel is also beneficial to cure skin diseases such as eczema, itching and festering sores, scabies sores and the like. how boiled mackerel fish fin to the cooking water by half, then add the betel leaf decoction to remove the odor, then drunk. Help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Omega 3 found in fish, mackerel are very good to help lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, and can nourish the heart. Improve brain function, Mackerel has good protein content, so it can help improve children's intelligence. In addition, mackerel also contain omega-3 fatty acids are good for improving our brain function. Useful for pregnancy, The mineral content of AA and DHA in fish, mackerel is very beneficial for the pregnancy because it can amplify the fetal brain, strengthen the development of the fetus at birth. With the addition of these mineral intake, the baby will grow and develop properly.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


    Red snapper has a red colored scales. These fish occupy the highest number in the kind of snapper are commonly found in the waters of Indonesia Sea. This fish is also one of the favorites of anglers fish in Indonesia. Choose red snapper that has a smooth surface, shiny and the gills are still red. snapper fillet fresh meat looks white and spongy and avoid if it smells fishy.
    Some benefit of red snapper is sources of selenium, red snapper weighing 3 ounces contains 32.5 mg of the mineral. And selenium is important for preventing the oxidation of fat and antioxidant effective when combined with vitamin E. Sources of phosphorus, Phosphorus is very useful for health and bone density and alkaline in the body that are often required for systems of the body that is too acidic. Source of protein, Red snapper contains 33% of the recommended daily value of protein. In 3 ounces red snapper contained 17.4 mg of protein needed to produce energy, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Red snapper contain complete protein containing essential amino acids. Contains vitamin A, vitamin D, and omega 3 fatty acids which is very good for the intelligence of baby and children who are still growing.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


    Sardines are small fish, and classified into groups of oily fish, belonging to the family Clupeidae fish. Commonly known as sardines canned fish and it is widely marketed as canned sardines. Some species under the most popular sardines are sardines sardina, Sardinop, sardinella, etc. These fish are found in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. According to a report, in recent years, sardine is one of the biggest of fish harvested worldwide.
    In a fish canning factory, sardines that have been caught fishing boat washed at the factory, then the head removed, and the fish is cooked. Sardines cooked in hot oil or heated in a tin with hot steam. After that, a fish which has been in the cans immersed in a mixture of oil-containing seasoning. In a study in the sardines are rich in vitamins and minerals. One serving of sardines has been able to meet 13% of vitamin B, 25 percent of niacin, and 150% of vitamin B12. Sardines are also rich in minerals phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, and selenium as sardines can be eaten down to the bone. Sardines are one of the natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, and protein.
    Some benefit of sardine is prevent heart disease, prevent blood clots, can strengthen bones, sardine fish oil can boost the immune system and good for growth children, insulin resistance, antioxidants, rich in protein.


    Salmon is a fish of the family Salmonidae, one of oily fish species that live in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Fish is rich in benefits and nutritional value very much. Salmon meat is naturally generally reddish orange color, although there are some examples of white fleshed wild salmon.
    Natural color of salmon from pigments carotenoids, especially astaxanthin also Canthaxanthin in the flesh. Wild salmon get these carotenoids from eating other small shellfish. Because farmed salmon do not get natural feed and meat pale, astaxanthin and canthaxanthin are added to give color to the meat, and attract customers. This alternative is obtained from the extract of red yeast and shrimp.
    Some benefit of salmon is omega-3 fatty acids in salmon may help lower cholesterol. bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Besides omega 3 can maintain heart health, reducing the risk of stroke, it is important for infant brain and eye development during pregnancy, improving the pattern of blood lipids, improve blood vessel function, reduce the risk of several mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and depression, improve brain function and intelligence. Protein in salmon easy for to digest and absorb into the body. Proteins are also referred to as the amino acid, is essential for the health of the whole body.
Salmon is a source of food containing amino acid that is essential for the body. Salmon has also vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

Friday, December 18, 2015


    Tuna has a lot of nutrients that are good for health. Low in calories, but it has a high protein is good for the brain. All of these benefits come from the omega 3 polyunsaturated fat known as omega 3, which is abundant in oily fish including tuna. Although the benefits are many but still should be noted that many tuna fish that contain mercury. This is due to the polluted sea water would be harmful to the fetus and baby. Tuna that has a physical yellow has a lower mercury content than white or albacore tuna. For pregnant women are advised to consume no more than 6 ounces of tuna 'white' per week.
    Some benefit of tuna is body protein source. Prevent high blood pressure, studies have shown that meat or foods such as tuna, which contain omega-3 fatty acid that helps keep blood pressure stable. Lower trigleserida  levels, triglycerides in the bloodstream indicates the amount of fat to be processed. If you have high triglyceride levels, you may also got the high low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol, and low levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Sources of vitamin B. Good for the heart. omega-3 fatty acids in tuna improve heart health by improving the Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Omega-3 fatty acids also protect the heart from abnormal heart rhythms that can be fatal. Source of selenium, an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system Humans.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


    Watermelon is a member of the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. The outer surface of fruit which got its scientific name Citrullus lanatus is light green with stripes motif resembling elongated wave, smooth texture but hard. Derived from the semi-desert areas in South Africa. One watermelon cup (152 grams) contains 43 calories, 0 grams of fat, 2 grams of sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrates (including 9 grams of sugar and 1 gram of fiber), 17% of vitamin A, 21 % vitamin C, 2% iron and 1% of calcium.
    Some benefit of watermelon is anti aging. Nutrition on watermelon, such as lycopene, vitamin A and C, counteract free radicals that attack the skin. Eat watermelon regularly to prevent the signs of premature aging of your beautiful skin. Maintain moisture skin, If your skin type dry skin, watermelon fruit intake can be the best, because of the abundant water content in the fruit. Besides giving skin moisture, eating watermelon also keep the body avoid dehydration. Rejuvenate skin, Masker watermelon can rejuvenate dull skin. Very good for the regeneration of skin cells that die. Maintaining health benefits of kidneys, kalium contained in this watermelon fruit, cleaning the toxic substances in the kidneys, thus helping the kidneys.


    Aloe vera in Latin is called Aloe vera or Aloe barbadensis Milleer. Aloe vera is a plant that is known can be used as a natural remedy for the outside of the body or for body parts such as hair growth, wound healing, and used for skin care. Aloe Vera is special to grow well in arid areas like in Africa, even so in Indonesia also includes countries that preserve the aloe vera plant so it is easy to find. In the juice of aloe vera, there are 3 compound it is lectin, mannans, anthraquinones. In addition, having a lot of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, folic acid, chromium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, iron, sodium, calcium.
    Some benefit of Aloe Vera is balance the acidity of food consumed because aloe vera juice has alkaline characteristic. Aloe vera juice has many antioxidants and can detoxification, consumption of aloe vera juice regularly will help the body cleanse the digestive system. Increase hair growth because aloe vera contains enzymes that can increase hair growth and make hair look healthy. Proteolytic enzymes contained in aloe vera can eradicate dead skin cells on the scalp that can clog hair follicles and causes it difficult to grow and obtain nutrients, can reduce redness, scaling, itching and inflammation of the scalp caused by psoriasis. In a study published in the Archives of Dermatology, more than 80 percent of psoriasis patients treated with aloe vera showed significant improvement, protect from sunburn. Aloe vera gel is easily absorbed by the body, even to the epithelial layer of skin, which makes it easy to protect and provide moisture to the skin.


    Guava has a Latin name Psidium guajava and is included in the family Myrtaceae. Guava fruit has a sweet taste although there is also a very sour taste. Pink flesh and there are also white flesh. Seeds itself is hard, many and small. In addition to fiber, especially pectin which is a soluble fiber, guava also contain minerals such as manganese and magnesium, as well as essential amino acids such as tryptophan. Also beneficial phytochemicals such as elagat acid, linoleic acid, and the acid korbigen. 
  In 100 gr guava contains Energy 68 kcal, fiber 5.4 g, water 86 grams, irons 0:26 mg, folates 49 mcg, phosphorus 11 mg, thiamin 0.067 mg, total fat 0.95 g, Vitamin A 624 IU, vitamin C 228 mg, vitamin E 0.73 mg, vitamin K 2.6 mcg, potassium 417 mg, calcium 18 mg, carbohydrates 14.3 g, lycopene 5204 mcg, magnesium 22 mg, manganese 0.150 mg, sodium 2 mg, niacin 1084 mg, protein 2:55 g, pyridoxine 0.110 mg, riboflavin 0.040 mg, selenium 0.6 mcg , zinc 0:23 mg, 374 mcg of beta carotene, pantothenic acid 0.451 mg.
    Some benefit of guava is cure dengue fever because it can raise platelet levels, accelerate healing due to infection because high vitamin C, inhibit fat oxidation because lycopene in guava, lowering blood sugar because the fiber pectin in guava, fat binding because high fiber content, then guava can prevent cancer because they contain lycopene which is an antioxidant in guava and can prevent a variety of free radical damage. Oil guava leaves can be as natural antiproliferative agents and can help prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


    Pineapple is a fruit that has a high water content delicious and fresh taste. Not only that, because the fruit is also providing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that are promoting digestion, relieves stomach acid, reduce inflammation, and help break down animal protein.Although many properties of this fruit and its benefits, but be careful for women who are pregnant. Pineapple contains bromelian, which makes it as one of the fruits that should not be eaten by pregnant women.
    This fruit contains a lot of vitamins A and C as an antioxidant. Also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, kalium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain efficacious as anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, as well as inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Fiber content can facilitate bowel movements in constipated patients.
    Enzyme bromelain helps digestion in the intestine. In the recent study, consuming pineapple juice without milk and sugar helps burn fat because it contains the enzyme bromelain is working with other enzymes found in the stomach, the enzyme lipase, digest the fat content in the food we eat. In addition, with both of these enzymes, the appetite can be lowered and disposal of fatty secretions become more optimal. So the fats helped to expulsion from the body.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


    Dragon fruit comes from mexico and this is the fruit of several cactus species of the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus. Dragon fruit itself has two kinds of colors, namely red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit. But based on the research that has been conducted by experts in nutrition and health, red dragon fruit species was very good for the health of one's body.
    Texture dragon fruit is like kiwi fruit because the seeds are black. The flesh tasted a bit sweet when eaten and have a low calorie content. Dragon fruit seeds crispy and rich in lipids and eaten along with the flesh, but the seeds must be chewed as it is difficult to digest by the body. Besides eaten directly, dragon fruit can also be processed into various forms of food and beverages such as pudding, salad, gelatin, fruit juice.
    In 100 grams of dragon fruit contain water, protein 1.1 g/ 2.1%, fat 0.4 grams (almost no fat), carbohydrates 11.0 g/ 3.4%, fiber 3 g/12%( high source of fiber), vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.04 mg/2.7%, vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.05 mg/2.9%, vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.16 mg/0.8%, vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 20.5 mg/34.2%, calcium (Ca) 8.5 mg/0.9%, Iron (Fe) 1.9 mg/10.6%. 
    Some benefit of dragon fruit is lower weight because it is high in fiber and low in calories. Dragon fruit as a source of antioxidants that can reduce free radicals in our bodies, with the consumption of this fruit will also help the process of detoxification (removing toxins from the body through the liver). Dragon fruit could prevent heart attacks and high blood pressure because the fiber is able to clean up the dirt that clog arteries. Dragon fruit good for the bones and blood for the content of calcium and iron are high enough, a small fruit meet 1 percent of the daily value. Dragon fruit is a better source of iron to meet 8 percent of the daily value. In addition to helping healthy bones, calcium is necessary for proper muscle function and nerve transmission. Iron is needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. and the contents of dragon fruit is extremely high in vitamin C it is very helpful to enhance the body's ability to absorb more iron.


    Wheat 'whole' is the wheat grain has three parts can be consumed. When it will be processed to produce "white" such as white flour, which used only the middle of the wheat. The outside and inside discarded. Therefore, Whole Wheat contains more nutrients than refined wheat. So experts recommend whole grains more nutrients than refined wheat in food. 
    The three parts are endosperm is the largest part of the grain cereals. Its main components are carbohydrates. He is a backup in which young plants alive until he developed root system. endosperm part of wheat is milled to make white flour. Germ is embrio or plant organs which is the beginning of a new plant. Germ in whole-wheat flour; White flour does not contain germ. Bran is the outer part of the grain. The skin protects the seed. Wheat bran is rich in fiber. Whole wheat contains the skin, whereas white flour does not contain the skin.
    Some benefit of whole wheat are reduce the risk of some diseases, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Improve intestinal health by helping to keep the process of digestion and defecation. Wheat also can maintain the existence of good bacteria in the gut. Eating wheat is often referred to as one of the ways to make the body more healthy. Contains whole grains that are rich in nutrients, such as protein, fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Monday, December 14, 2015


    Red rice is often used as a healthy diet to lose weight and for diabetics and red rice belong to the kind of staple foods containing carbohydrates in it. White rice does have taste better than brown rice however, red rice contain good nutrients better than white rice. Red rice takes longer to cook, as well as less comfortable if eaten because harder than white rice. That's probably what makes red rice less demand by the public as daily food. Red rice has many nutritions than white rice, because it contains a substance known as anthocyanin.
    Grain consists of three parts, the outer layer (husk), layer of the epidermis, and seeds (rice). A good process to separate the chaff and grain is coarsely ground, because this does not much damage to the content of essential nutrients. A glass of mashed red rice contains 216.45 calories, 88% (daily value) of the mineral manganese, 27% selenium, 21% magnesium, 18.8% of the amino acid tryptophan, 3.5 grams of fiber (white rice contains less than 1 gram) and the protein is 2-5% higher than white rice. It also contains alpha-linolenic fatty acids, iron, vitamin B complex, and vitamin A.
    Some benefit of red rice is can prevent the risk of colon cancer because it contains more higher phenol content than white rice. The high content of dietary fiber will also help the digestive system and colon. Red rice can prevent heart disease and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) due to the high fiber content. The essential oils contained in red rice can also help lower cholesterol levels. Red rice can be used for a diet program because it has a low glycemic index (GI), diet in low glikemiks index and high fiber foods can make blood glucose levels stable. Red rice can prevent constipation because it is high in soluble fiber, which helps digestion and disposal. This type of soluble fiber give more fluids into the intestine, so that bowel movements is smoother.


    Apple for diet is one of the most famous in the universe. How apples daily diet can help you to be successful? The workings of apples for diet is almost the same as the benefits of brown rice that is with a very high fiber content, this fruit makes satiety longer in our stomach. This will help the intake of food / appetite high-calorie foods can be minimized. When the stomach has been contained glucose, gastric feel hungry and ordered the brain to look for food.
    Consumption of apples regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the intestines. The compounds triterpenoids in apple skin, which were identified in a study at Cornell University, is known to inhibit cancer cells that cause the symptoms of breast cancer, liver and colon cancer symptoms.  The soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestine, whose function is to lower cholesterol levels. Apple is a fruit that is rich in fiber and various vitamins and minerals that are easily digested by the body.
    Phenolic compounds was found in apple skin also prevents cholesterol that gets into the system and strengthen the walls of the arteries. When plaque forms in the arteries then it will reduce the flow of blood to the heart, leading to coronary heart disease. This plaque can be cleaned with the aid of soluble fiber at the apple.
    The content of antioxidants at apples can help detoxify the liver of various substances or toxins in the body. Tannins substances at apples can clean the plaque that damage the teeth and gums.

Saturday, December 12, 2015


    Banana is one of the favorite fruit in this world. This fruit is sweet and very good for diet because it is free of fat and cholesterol. This fruit is also rich in fiber, nutrients and can be eaten immediately or processed into delicious dishes.
    This fruit is very famous for its potassium content. With potassium levels reach 400 mg in a medium-sized banana, the fruit must be consumed to maintain heart health.Potassium is also very well known for muscle and nerve function, and maintain fluid balance in the bodyOne banana contains about 10 mg of vitamin C, or about 15 percent of the daily vitamin C recommendation.
    One banana provides 35 percent of the daily recommendation of vitamin B6. The body uses this vitamin to regenerate new cellsOne banana contains about 3 grams of fiber. In addition to healthy digestive tract, fiber also we need to keep the stomach feel full longer. One banana has carbohydrate. It`s recommended to keep the supply of energy to survive until lunch time without a snack.  


    Swim sometimes looks like a sport that is not too taxing. Perhaps because it is done in water that has the force of gravity is lower than on land, or perhaps because you do not feel when you sweat in the water. However, do not easily fooled. Do you often feel hungry after swimming during a specific time period? Although swimming does not include high-intensity exercise, but the amount of calories burned is quite large and some swim style can burn large amount of calorie.
    Freestyle. This style includes the movement of the hands and feet active. If done for the purpose of recreational or non-competition, ie at medium speed, then the number of calories burned is 406 kcal per hour. Whereas if it is done for the purpose of competition or non-recreational, will usually involve speed or intensity. In this condition, the calories needed is as much as 686 kcal per hour.
    Back style. For the purpose of recreational or non-competition, assuming that done medium speed, then the number of calories burned is 336 kcal per hour. Whereas when for competition or non-recreational, speed and high intensity, then the calories required is 665 kcal per hour.
   Frogs style. If the nature of recreational or non-competition, or at medium speed, then the calories required is 371 kcal per hour. As for non-recreational or competition, or speed and high intensity, then the calories burned by 721 kcal per hour.
    Floating. The actual movement of this one is not one style in sports swimming. But we always do this to float in the water when we're not doing a particular style. Water-trapping or movement floating in the water when it is done with low to moderate speed, calories required is equal to 245 kcal per hour. While at high speed or intensity, calories burned can reach 686 kcal per hour.
   Butterfly style. Butterfly swimming style is the most calorie-consuming because it involves the movement of the torso is quite heavy. This style is not easy to do and is very consuming calories. In general, both for recreational purposes or competition, the butterfly will spend as much as 966 kcal calories per hour.


    Cycling is a sport activity, and is one mode of ground transportation using bicycles. Bicycles were first introduced in the 19th century AD. Many cycling fans who do these activities in a wide variety of terrain, such as hills, steep terrain and also just in rural and urban areas.    
    Cycling can burn your calorie +- 950 calorie/hour. Burning calories at the cycling can occur because this sport can burn fat through the oxidation process so that can produce energy. The combustion process is determined by the load stroke bike and distance traveled. Even the number of calories burned for 30 minutes on an exercise bike almost equivalent to doing sports jogging for 20 minutes. 
    The steps are make sure in fit condition, bicycle saddle position should be higher than the steering wheel so that the muscles are not too tense, foot touches the pedal should be extended straight to flat position, to get the maximum power, use the tip of the foot as a pedestal, the head should be kept facing forward despite bent position, use safety equipment such as helmets, etc.
    Some benefit of cycling is keeping healthy heart. Pedaling need power and the heart will beat when you are pedaling. The further distance you are cycling, it will make your heart healthier. Cycling will make your body's muscles and bones become strong, because the legs, arms, back and other parts of the body will be stimulated to also move. Cycling can reduce stress because you will see a lot of different scenery, so that you can forget your busy life. Cycling can be diet program and prevent obesity, as long as your diet is maintained, then it is enough to cycling.