Friday, February 5, 2016


    Date (Phoenix Dactylifera) is a palm tree (Arecaceae) of the genus Phoenix, the fruit can be eaten. Dates have been a staple food in the Middle East for thousands of years. Dates tree believed to have originated around the Persian Gulf and has been cultivated since ancient times from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 4000 BC. Ancient Egyptians used the fruit to be made into wine dates and was eaten at harvest.
    Dried dates can be filled with stuffing such as almonds, walnuts, candied orange and lemon peel, tahini, marzipan or cream cheese. Dates spots also called seedless dates can be used as snacks. Dates can also be chopped and used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes, such as tajines in Morocco, ka'ak (types of Arab cookies) and other desserts. Dates are also processed into cubes, paste, spread, date syrup or "honey" called "dibs" or "rub" in Libya, powder (sugar palm), vinegar or alcohol. The latest processing innovations include chocolate-covered dates and products like sparkling date juice, used in some Islamic countries as a non-alcoholic champagne, for special occasions and religious times such as Ramadan.
    per 100 grams of dates (source: USDA) containing energy 251 kcal, protein 2.81 g, carbohydrates 66.78 g, fiber 7.1 g, sugar 56.38 g, total fat 0:35 g, MUFA 0.0032 g, PUFA 0.017 g, cholesterol 0 mg, calcium 35 mg , iron 0.91 mg, magnesium 38 mg, phosphorus 55 mg, potassium 484 mg, sodium 2 mg, zinc 0:26 mg, vitamin A 9 IU, vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.046 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.059 mg, vitamin B3 ( niacin) 1134 mg, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0525 mg, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.147 mg, vitamin B9 (folate) 17 mcg vitamin B12 0 mcg, vitamin C 0.4 mg, vitamin E 0:04 mg, vitamin K 2.4 mcg, 5 mcg of beta carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin 0 mcg 0 mcg lycopene, lutein and zeaxantin 67 mcg.
    Some benefit of date is as an energy source because dates have a fairly high sugar content and are generally derived from a type of glucose and fructose. A type of sugar found in dates is the result of the processing of natural and not harmful to health. High sugar content makes this fruit is a source of instant energy to restore lost energy during fasting and normalize blood sugar levels. Dates are a good source of dietary fiber, The American Cancer Society recommends to consume 20-30 grams per day. Soluble dietary fiber can prevent constipation and colon cancer, then help control diabetes by lowering LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Dates as an antidote, consuming 7 dates every day to fight the toxins because dates contain phytochemicals and antioxidants. Dates as anti-infection and anti-inflammatory because content of tannin substances, as well as vitamin A in the date can maintaining eye health. Dates are a source of iron and kalium, iron is a component of hemoglobin in red blood cells and kalium helps control heart rate.

Monday, February 1, 2016


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a plant of the Solanaceae tribes that have stem edible tubers. Potato tubers has now become one of the important staple food in Europe although in ancient times imported from South America. Based on history, the potato comes from the valley-valley plateau in Chile, Peru, and Mexico. This potato was introduced by the Spanish from Peru to Europe since the year 1565. Since then, the potato spread to other countries including Indonesia.
    Potato is one source of carbohydrate substitute for rice that has long been used as a diet for people who have complaints symptoms of diabetes. Potatoes are very good to eat because it contains vitamins and minerals that are good for the body but there are some ways that should be considered in processing potatoes. The first method is by sauteing and the second method is steaming. The method can prevent damage to the nutrients in potatoes and this method is more healthy.
    In 100 grams of potatoes (source: USDA) contain energy 70 Kcal, carbohydrates 15.90 g, protein 1.89 g, fat 0:10 g, cholesterol 0 mg, fiber 2.5 g, Folic 18 mcg, niacin 1149 mg, pantothenic acid 0.279 mg, pyridoxine 0239 mg , riboflavin 0.038 mg, thiamin 0081 mg, vitamin A IU 7, vitamin C 11.4 mg, vitamin K 2.9 mcg, sodium 6 mg, potassium 455 mg, calcium 10 mg, Iron 0.73 mg, magnesium 22 mg, manganese 0141 mg, phosphorus 61 mg, zinc 0:33 mg.
    Some benefit of potato is help digestion and prevent diabetes. Fibers contained in the potato starch can help digestion in the gut and fibers can also help keep blood sugar levels to remain normal. Potatoes can maintain bone health, the content of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc are present in potatoes is the perfect combination to build bone strength. Potatoes contain an anti-cancer compounds, antioxidant flavonoids, quercetin on potatoes have anti-cancer compound. Potatoes can treat facial acne, the steps is potatoes cut in thin slices and then washed. Potato slices stick to the facial acne. Lift when potatoes are grayish. Can be used when you want to sleep nights.

Friday, January 29, 2016


   Almond nuts are nuts that do not grow in Indonesia, but grow in areas such as the middle east Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, and others. The beans are usually sold at a pastry shop or supermarket and expensive. These beans can be processed as a garnish a cake, almond milk or snack at leisure. Almond is one of high nutritious peanut, so that good for growth of children. There are two types of almonds, the sweet almond and bitter almond. Typically, almond sweet to eat, and bitter almonds to make almond oil, which is used to add flavor to food.
    In 100 grams of almonds contains nutrients that are good for health and beauty: energy 578 kcal, oil content 49%, omega 9 62%, omega 3, omega 6 24%, acid palmiat 6%, carbohydrates 26 %, fiber 12%, sugar 6.3%, starch 0.7%, vitamin E 24 mg / 100 gr, folat acid, magnesium, fiber, essential amino acids, vitamin B, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, vitamin B6, vitamin C, Substance iron, vegetable fats, unsaturated fats, high antioxidant, Phenylalanine, Biotin.
    Some benefit of almond nut is lowering bad bholesterol levels (LDL). Almonds are rich in unsaturated fats, unsaturated fats are beneficial for lowering LDL and raising HDL. Research conducted by the American Association heart health, found that consumption of almonds every day can lower bad cholesterol by 15 percent. Cholesterol levels were lowered depending on the number of times of almonds into the body. If consumed 7 grams of almonds can reduce LDL levels as much as 1 percent and multiples of 7 grams can lower LDL levels even more. Maintain healthy heart, magnesium contained in almonds are beneficial to smooth and improve blood flow to the heart, control the movement of oxygen along with nutrients to the heart and throughout the body. Unsaturated fats in almonds are also beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart, the high Vitamin E can prevent inflammation of the arteries and arterial damage. Good for digestion, high fiber in the almonds are beneficial to prevent constipation and colon cleansing. Strengthen bones, almonds are rich in phosphorus and calcium. Both substances or nutrients are beneficial for health and bone density. Magnesium and potassium are also useful for creating a solid and strong bones. Nourish and soften the skin, Almond has been made into oil contains vitamin E, minerals and essential fatty acids are good for improving skin health, and to prevent skin damage caused by UV exposure that attacks the skin.

Monday, January 25, 2016


    Black rice is a rice types of the species Oryza sativa L., some of the which are Glutinous rice. This is a local rice varieties that contain most excellent pigment, unlike white rice or rice other colors. Black rice has a good flavor and aroma with a specific and unique appearance. When cooked, appeared flavor and a pleasant aroma to the black rice. In the black rice, aleurone and endospermia produce anthocyanin at high levels so that the color purple rice becomes concentrated near black. This rice has better nutritions than white rice.
    Research published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2008 suggested that extracts from black rice can prevent atherosclerosis (clogged arteries cause heart attacks) and lower triglyceride levels. Nutrient contents in 100 gr black rice is Energy 351 kcal, 8 gr protein, 1.3 gr fat, 76.9 gr carbohydrates, 20.1 gr fiber, vitamins B1, B3, B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus, 15.52 ppm iron, antioxidants anthocyanins (which give a purple-black color on rice), amino acids and essential fat acids. The outer part is what makes black rice takes longer when cooked.
    Some benefit of black rice high antioxidants. The black color is caused by the content of flavonoid pigment called anthocyanin, the pigment in plants that serve as a powerful antioxidant. Anthocyanin content was researched as a medicine for heart disease, diabetes, alzheimer's and cancer. Have complex carbohydrates, the content of complex carbohydrates make us full longer. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating complex carbohydrates can make us full for hours and also eat less than 320 calories per day. The content of nutrients in complex carbohydrates black rice is 75.5% starch, amylose 22.9%, anthocyanin 393.9 ppm, 51.5% amylopectin and beta-carotene 804 mg. Low calories and lower cholesterol levels, black rice has lesser calories than white rice. 351 kcal calorie black rice and white rice 357 kcal. Effects of anthocyanins which are very much in the black rice, make extracts from black rice capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. High fiber and good for digestion, the fiber content in black rice is 20.1 grams per 100 grams. Compare with the white rice that is only 0.2 grams. Obviously the advantages of fiber black rice is beyond doubt.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


    Edamame are soybeans that come from Japan and into the category of vegetables. In Japan, edamame including tropical plants and used as a vegetable and health snacks. For most people in Indonesia, edamame may still less well known. This soybean is usually eaten or cooked into soups or consumed as a snack that tastes delicious and tasty. Edamame soybeans are harvested when ripe is only 80 percent. Differences edamame with other types of soybean seeds are bigger, smoother texture, taste sweeter and easier to digest. Edamame can be boiled with a little salt until tender and served as a snack.
    Edamame contains complete protein and high quality compared to most other plants. As a source of soy lecithin, 9 essential amino acids, vitamin E, a high content of isoflavones and saponins are powerful anti-oxidants, a high content of unsaturated fats, high in fiber, calcium, vitamins, minerals and no cholesterol. Additionally, edamame have folic acid, manganese, sucrose, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C and iron levels on edamame almost equivalent to iron in 4 ounces of grilled chicken breast.
    Some benefit of edamame is reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. LDL is known as bad cholesterol because it often leads to a buildup of cholesterol plaque in the arterial wall. While HDL cholesterol is known as good, as it works to clean up cholesterol in the arterial wall and bring it back circumspection where cholesterol is broken down and excreted. The content in soy lecithin is dissolving cholesterol in the blood, so there is no blockage in the artery walls. Preventing diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus occurs because the body lacks insulin; resulting in abnormalities of the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, and electrolytes. Edamame contains amino acids glycine and arginine amino acid that is capable of maintaining the balance of the hormone insulin. 
    Inhibit menopause and prevent osteoporosis, the cessation of menstrual cycle in menopausal women is strongly influenced by the hormone estrogen produced by the ovaries glands. Therefore, the isoflavones in edamame as fito estrogens from plants shown to inhibit menopause and its content of vitamin E is beneficial maintain the balance of hormones that slow the occurrence of menopause. Besides being able to inhibit Menopause, isoflavones could prevent osteoporosis by stimulating osteoblastic process through estrogen receptor activity. Diet program, high fiber content as well as the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) high in edamame able to reduce fat in the body but also balanced with physical exercise. Prevent cancer, isoflavones is currently investigated for its potential to prevent and resolve to many other health problems. Mechanism known as anti-cancer activity of isoflavones are anti-estrogens, inhibits the activity of cancer-causing enzymes, anti-oxidant activity and enhance immune function cells. Studies of epidemiology and laboratory have shown that soy consumption can reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer, including cancers of the breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Monday, January 18, 2016


    Red bean is a kind of nuts with the scientific name Vigna angularis larger than the mung beans are used in Indonesian cuisine, such as red bean soup and krecek chili fries. These beans can also be used a mixture of cake or paste filling, so it can be healthier and beans is known by the name of Azuki in Japan. In Japan, these beans are usually processed into red bean paste as filling of dorayaki. To cook dried red beans, First rinse red bean, then remove any stones or damaged beans, then soak overnight in cold water. In the morning changing the soaking water and bring to a boil and cook until the beans are cooked, usually between 15 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the type of bean. 100 grams of red beans contain 346 kcal of energy, protein 23.4 g, fat 1.8 g, carbohydrates 59.8 g, 83 mg calcium, phosphorus 403 mg, 7 mg of iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, iron, folic acid, antioxidant and high fiber.
    Some benefit of red bean is one of vegetable protein source. Red beans contain complete protein, with all kinds of amino acids necessary for good nutrition. In contrast to meat, nuts lower in fat and cholesterol-free. when the body benefits derived protein red beans, also supports heart health of soluble fiber provided by these beans. Controlling blood sugar levels, the fiber in beans helps lower blood cholesterol levels by helping push cholesterol, through the digestive tract before the body absorb it. Red beans have a low glycemic index, so the beans can be a healthy choice for diabetics or for those who want to control blood sugar levels. Good for digestion, red beans have fiber content much like green beans. The fiber content is very helpful digestion occurs in the intestine. Fiber helps bowel movement always runs well. Finally, this could lead to a good thing in the smooth bowel movements and can lower the risk of colon cancer symptoms. One of natural antioxidants source, the red bean antioxidant levels high enough, so that the red beans can prevent cells from damage and accelerate the regeneration of dead cells caused by free radicals in the body. Based on a survey of the US Department of Agriculture, which is an amazing result that red beans have high antioxidant and exceed the quality of the antioxidants contained in fruits other.

Friday, January 15, 2016


    Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is a kind of legumes are well known in the tropics. This plant has many benefits, especially as a source of vegetable protein is high. Mung beans boiled until soft and eaten as porridge, dumplings contents, the contents Steamed Bun, or eaten immediately. Mung beans when boiled long enough to be broken and the starch contained in the seeds will come out and thickens, becomes a kind of porridge. Mung bean sprouts or taoge is very popular vegetable in East Asia and Southeast Asia. The mung beans can also be processed into flour called hunkue flour, used in making pastries.
    The nutritional content of mung beans are high protein, carbohydrate, fiber, iron, calcium and phosphorus that are useful to strengthen bones and fat is an unsaturated fatty acid. Mung beans fat consists of 73% unsaturated fatty acids and 27% saturated fatty acids, so it is important to maintain a healthy heart. The mung beans also contain vitamin C, A, B1, folic acid, riboflavin, B6, thiamine, niacin and pantothenic
    Some benefit of mung beans is lower weight. Mung beans good for those who are in a diet program. High in fiber and low in saturated fat. For pregnant women and fetuses, based study protein content in mung beans very useful for cell growth. Women who during pregnancy diligently consume mung beans usually have babies with dense hair. Prevent diabetes, the mung beans are one of the foods that have a low glycemic index, which means good consumption for people with diabetes. foods that have a low glycemic load could slow the rise of blood sugar in the body. Strengthen bones, calcium and phosphorus in mung beans can maintain strong bones and teeth. Including helping the growth of bones and teeth in children and prevent osteoporosis in adults. Rich in fiber, mung beans have a high fiber content of 4.1 grams per 100 grams. Fiber content is in the green beans will be able to fullfill the needs of fiber until 30%. Curing anemia, iron content in mung beans can cure anemia and is one of the foods that have a very high iron content.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


    Soybean is a leguminous plant that became the basis of many food ingredients from East Asia such as tempeh, soy sauce, soy bean milk, soy bean flour, tauco, tofu, and snack. Soybean is the main source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil. The world's major producer of soy are the United States despite the new soy cultivated by people outside Asia after 1910.  in 100 grams of soybean containing 286 kcal of energy, 30.2 g protein, 15.6 g fat, 30.1 g carbohydrates, 4.9 g fiber, 196 mg calcium, phosphorus 506 mg, 6.9 grams of iron, vitamin A, B, C, lecithin,fitoestrogen, and isoflavon.
    Soy beans seed into pieces two, leather-wrapped seeds and no endosperm tissue. Dry soybean seed will germinate when obtaining adequate water. Soy sprouts including epigeous, that is pieces of seed appeared above ground. Soybeans have a taproot that form the roots of branches that grow sideways (horizontal) not far from the surface. Soybean stem has a height of 30-100 cm. The stem can form a 3-6 branches, but if the distance between plant is very tight, the branch is reduced, even unbranched. Each flower has a tool soybean male and female tool and pollination occurs when the petals are still closed. Shape of Soybean fruit is pod that is capable of producing 100-250 pods. Soybean pods hairy and has yellow or gray colour.
    Some benefit of soybean is one of the best sources of vegetable protein is very high and can increase the body's metabolic functions. Program diet, soybeans can be used to lower weight because it is included in a healthier vegetable protein than animal protein. Prevention of cancer, soybean contains antioxidants so good for reducing the risk of various cancers. Antioxidants are also useful to neutralize free radicals. Maintain healthy heart, soybean actually have a fat content, but not saturated fats, foods that contain unsaturated fats will help lower cholesterol excess. Prevent osteoporosis, high calcium content and the content of phytoestrogens make soy as a food for strong bones. Good for digestion, the fiber content in soybeans helps digestion in the intestines, so that preventing constipation. Fiber content also helps control blood sugar levels. Contain folic acid which is good for the brain growth of the baby or fetus in pregnant women.

Monday, January 11, 2016


    Green tea is the name of tea made from the leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is picked and undergo a heating process to prevent oxidation, or it could also mean a drink produced from steeping the tea leaves. Green tea is a popular beverage in mainland China, Japan, Southeast Asia and is increasingly recognized also in Western countries. Green tea is very common in Japan called (ocha) and referred to as the Japanese tea (nihoncha) if there is one available option other teas. Japanese tea is usually sold at a price that depends on the quality, method of processing and part of the plant that made such kind of matcha tea, sencha, gyokuro, kabusencha, and others. 
    Catechins which are contained in green tea in the form of molecules epigallocatechin-3-gallate may inhibit tumorigenesis. catechins are antioxidants that fight and prevent damage to cells and has been shown in studies USDA Human Nutrition Research Center that participants who drank 3 cups of green tea a day to lose weight 2x of participants who did not drink tea.
    Some benefit of pure green tea is lower weight. Polyphenol high content of catechins in green tea can increase fat oxidation that consuming green tea can burn fat in the body by 4% within 24 hours Inhibit the rise of blood sugar and inhibit fat cells to absorb glucose. Green Tea can counteract free radicals, green tea is one of the secrets of the Japanese women's beauty, despite old age the skin and the body does not look like an old. Due to the content of antioxidants known as polyphenols in green tea protects against free radicals, thus helping you fight aging and increase longevity. Green tea may reduce cancer risk, as an antioxidant 100 times more powerful than vitamin C and 24 times more effective than vitamin E, this function will support your body avoid or protected from disease caused by the growth of cancer cells. Maintain healthy hair, green tea is known to inhibit the growth of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which is inhibiting hair growth and cause hair loss. Green tea is also known to stimulate hair growth and smooth the hair because it contains polyphenols, vitamin E and vitamin C, which is known to increase hair luster. To be able to make a hair rinse by using 3-4 green tea bags were brewed into 500 mL of water, and use this for the last rinse after you shampoo use a shampoo and conditioner.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


    Water is the water consumption free calorie because it does not contain sugar and can relieve thirst. Thirsty is one of the body's response that requires fluid intake time soon. All organs of the human body needs fluids or water in an amount sufficient to support the various activities undertaken. The best time to drink white water is early morning as we wake up.
    Humans can lose fluids not only during urination, but also when sweating, breathing and defecating. Fluid needs of each person is different. On average, for adult women, it is advisable to drink about eight glasses with size 200 ml per day or a total of 1.6 liters. Meanwhile, men are advised to drink about 10 glasses with size 200 ml or a total of 2 liters per day. Aside from the beverage, food can also provide body fluid intake at about 20 percent. Liquids can be obtained from fruits, such as pineapple and watermelon contains 90 percent water.
    Some benefit of white water is maintaining fluid balance in the body. Because most of the human body consists of water, so drinking water can keep the water levels in the body to stay balanced. Prevent dehydration, lack of body fluids will cause the body to become weak as a result of daily activities, so it is advisable to drink lots of water every day. Maintain freshness and healthy skin. Help the process of disposal of leftover food and drinks through sweat, urine and feces. Lower weight, If you want to lower weight and proportional, begin to suffice the need of water everyday. Maintain kidney function and can detoxify toxins in the body.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


    Pure honey is a fluid-like syrup, honey is viscous and sweet taste, produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers. The most effective types of bees for producing honey is Apis dorsata. These include the Asian bee bees produce honey that is most flattering. The bees make nests only one layer that hangs on a tree branch, in an open ceiling, or in the cliff. If the bees are in the nest nectar has been removed from the nectar of honey sacs contained in the abdomen and worked together with other bees, if the nectar is finely placed in a cell, if the cell is full will be closed and it ferments. The sweet taste of honey is caused by elements of the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has a sweet taste similar to sugar.
   Pure honey contains mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%), making it similar to a synthetic sugar syrup, which is about 48% fructose, 47% glucose, and sucrose 5%. Honey remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates. Like all the other nutritive sweeteners, honey contains mostly sugar and contains only a little amount of vitamin or mineral. Honey also contains small amounts of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin.
    Some benefit of honey is lowering blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. Although sweeter than sugar, honey has a glycemic index (GI) is low because it is absorbed into the blood stream gradually. You who have diabetes should reduce foods high glycemic index because it would encourage a surge in blood glucose. Honey is the safest alternative sweetener than sugar or artificial sugar. Some studies even suspect honey can lower blood glucose. Minerals and natural vitamins in honey also helps reduce levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. Cure wounds. Pure honey contains glucose and an enzyme called glucose oxidase. In the right conditions, can break down glucose honey into hydrogen peroxide, a substance that is a strong antiseptic. To become active and break down glucose honey, glucose oxidase requires an environment with a pH of 5.5 to 8.0 and sodium. PH pure honey ranges between 3.2 and 4.5 is too low to activate the enzyme. Skin and body fluids (eg blood) has a relatively high pH and sodium so as to provide the right conditions for the formation of hydrogen peroxide.

    Cure cough. Dextromethorphan (DM) in honey can cure cough at night for children and improve the quality of their sleep. In a study published in Pediatrics, children who drank two teaspoons of honey 30 minutes before going to bed coughing decreased intensity compared with those who did not drink honey. Can soften and moisturize the skin of normal (pure honey), You can get these by applying honey directly on the surface of the skin. Let stand about 30 minutes and then cleaned with cold water. Do at least 2 times a week. Can increase stamina.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


    Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a kind of cultivated plants. Parts used are the roots that form tubers with high levels of nutrients (carbohydrate) is high. In Africa, the tubers of sweet potatoes to be one important staple food source. In Asia, besides utilized tubers, young leaves of sweet potato is also made of vegetables. There is also a sweet potato which is used as an ornamental plant because of the beauty of the leaves.
    Purple sweet potato is better known as a food ingredient that can be processed into various types of savory foods such as cakes, drinks, chips, ice cream and others. This potato contains no fat at all so that the food is safe when consumed by all people from children to the elder. Even sweet potatoes are also safe to eat children as young as 6 months as a food supplement for breastfeeding because of the high fiber content can help digestion.
    Some benefit of purple sweet potato is source of antioxidants. Purple sweet potato have anthocyanins compounds that are useful as an antioxidant that will neutralize the adverse effects of air pollution. Easy to digest, fiber content which can resolve many problems of constipation because it is good for the digestion of the body. Good source of complex carbohydrates for diet, this potato has 112 calories with no fat and no cholesterol. This potato has Glycemix Index (GI) which is lower than bread and rice. GI indicates how quickly these foods raise blood sugar in the body. Due to these potatoes have a low GI, it is suitable to be consumed people with diabetes mellitus. Source of vitamin A, high content of vitamin A can maintain eye health. vitamin A content is supported because there are lots of beta-carotene. in the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A and provides 200% daily vitamin A in the body. Prevent cancer, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E can act as anti-oxidants that prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


    The backbone or vertebra is irregular bones that form the spine easily moved. There are 33 spine in humans, 5 of which combine to form the sacral, and four bones form the tailbone (coccyx). Three sections on it consists of 24 bones divided into 7 cervical spine (neck), 12 bones of the thorax (thorax or chest) and, 5 lumbar spine.
    Backbone curved or crooked can cause painful problem that will get worse over time. Incorrect posture makes your bones bent. For example, the way you sit is not true, then your backbone into a slouch. Besides not good for health, crooked bones can reduce your appearance. So that the symptoms and your condition is not getting worse when you get older, you have to maintain the straightness of your back from now on.
    Some step to prevent backbone curved or crooked is make sure that your shoulder is pulled back, stomach in, and chest out. Stand sideways in front of the mirror and see if you can draw a straight line from the ear, shoulder, hip, knee, up to the middle of the ankle. For the head, make sure the upright on the shoulder. Most people tend to lean the head towards the front. If your ears aligned with the front of the chest, you have to pull the head back. Arms and hands should fall on both sides of the body, so that the shoulders show good posture. If your arm falls in the chest, pull the shoulders back. Perform stretching exercises and others to improve posture, This technique should be specifically focused on the muscles of the abdomen and back as these are the muscles that will help support your backbone. For example, Stretch your chest. Roll up a towel or cloth and stand with legs wide open. Hold the fabric rolls up tight with a hands shoulder width apart. Inhale and raise your arms to shoulder level. Then exhale and pull your arms upwards and backwards as far as possible. Hold for two tug and exhalations, then lower the arms and repeat.
    Sitting right in front of the computer. Your feet should touch the floor, your back should be straight, and the neck should be in a neutral position. This position will help reduce back pain and also straighten the back. Change your sleeping habits, If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees and a pillow under your back. This will help relieve the pressure on your back, reduce back pain and support the spine lengthening. If you sleep sideways, put a pillow between the knees in order to keep the hips aligned. Avoid sleeping face down, this will put unnecessary pressure on the spinal cord, and can cause degradation of your backbone. Over time, this position can also lead to chronic neck pain and lower back pain. Apply proper lifting techniques. Lifting and carrying heavy objects incorrectly can cause serious back pain. Bend your knees, not the waist. Abdominal muscles and legs designed to help you bring and lift objects, but not back muscles. When you are lifting an object, make sure you bend your knees, do not bend the body so that your lower back is not stressed. Bring objects that you lift in the chest. The closer the object's position to your chest, the less work your backbone to hold. Regularly massage your body, stress and tension that constantly causes stiff back muscles, thus becoming a hunchback. If your life is full of stress, do massage in your daily life


    Sleep is a natural activity of our lives, in addition to eating and getting relax or rest. Sleep will make you feel better, not just to improve the mood, or prevent dark circles under the eyes. Healthy adults require ideal sleep time between 7- 8 hours a day to allow time for your muscles and mind rest. Meanwhile certain hormones can work only when we sleep soundly at night, including growth hormone, or HGH.
    Some benefit of good sleep is sleep reduces the risk of disease. With enough sleep, the hormones melatonin and cortisol levels stay within a healthy range. When cortisol in check, it can block cancer causing cell damage. When you're in a dream, a chemical called "modulator of the immune system" increases to help the body fight infection potential, so it makes sense that sleep protects you from common illnesses such as colds and flu. This is caused by cortisol, because of the high levels of hormones associated with immune function. Having a healthy weight. If you think about a diet to lose weight, you may also need to plan time to sleep early. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that people who diet with a good rest, more experienced fat loss of up to 56% of body weight. In contrast to their lack of sleep, which actually lose more muscle mass. Still in this study also, the person who got very little sleep feel more hungry. Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sector of the brain, so that when you are sleepy, certain hormones in the body will rise in the blood and encourage appetite.
    Sleep can reduce stress. When your body is sleep deprived, it will cause stress. Functions of the body will be in a very careful conditions that will lead to increased blood pressure and stress hormone release. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Improve the ability of brain, a study of the University of Lubeck, Germany found that of 106 people who observed, those who rest the night in full, three times more likely to do well on cognitive tasks measuring memory, creativity, and problem solving skills than those who lack of sleep. This is due to the activity of memory consolidation (merger memory) happens when we sleep. When the rest of your body, your brain is still proceeding, making connections between events, feelings and memories. The higher the quality of your sleep will help you remember and process better. Reduce risk accident, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported on the results of the study in 2009, that lack of sleep contributes the highest number of fatal car accidents to human error factor and sleepiness are often ignored by most people. Lack of sleep can affect reaction time and decision making.