Thursday, January 21, 2016


    Edamame are soybeans that come from Japan and into the category of vegetables. In Japan, edamame including tropical plants and used as a vegetable and health snacks. For most people in Indonesia, edamame may still less well known. This soybean is usually eaten or cooked into soups or consumed as a snack that tastes delicious and tasty. Edamame soybeans are harvested when ripe is only 80 percent. Differences edamame with other types of soybean seeds are bigger, smoother texture, taste sweeter and easier to digest. Edamame can be boiled with a little salt until tender and served as a snack.
    Edamame contains complete protein and high quality compared to most other plants. As a source of soy lecithin, 9 essential amino acids, vitamin E, a high content of isoflavones and saponins are powerful anti-oxidants, a high content of unsaturated fats, high in fiber, calcium, vitamins, minerals and no cholesterol. Additionally, edamame have folic acid, manganese, sucrose, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C and iron levels on edamame almost equivalent to iron in 4 ounces of grilled chicken breast.
    Some benefit of edamame is reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. LDL is known as bad cholesterol because it often leads to a buildup of cholesterol plaque in the arterial wall. While HDL cholesterol is known as good, as it works to clean up cholesterol in the arterial wall and bring it back circumspection where cholesterol is broken down and excreted. The content in soy lecithin is dissolving cholesterol in the blood, so there is no blockage in the artery walls. Preventing diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus occurs because the body lacks insulin; resulting in abnormalities of the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, and electrolytes. Edamame contains amino acids glycine and arginine amino acid that is capable of maintaining the balance of the hormone insulin. 
    Inhibit menopause and prevent osteoporosis, the cessation of menstrual cycle in menopausal women is strongly influenced by the hormone estrogen produced by the ovaries glands. Therefore, the isoflavones in edamame as fito estrogens from plants shown to inhibit menopause and its content of vitamin E is beneficial maintain the balance of hormones that slow the occurrence of menopause. Besides being able to inhibit Menopause, isoflavones could prevent osteoporosis by stimulating osteoblastic process through estrogen receptor activity. Diet program, high fiber content as well as the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) high in edamame able to reduce fat in the body but also balanced with physical exercise. Prevent cancer, isoflavones is currently investigated for its potential to prevent and resolve to many other health problems. Mechanism known as anti-cancer activity of isoflavones are anti-estrogens, inhibits the activity of cancer-causing enzymes, anti-oxidant activity and enhance immune function cells. Studies of epidemiology and laboratory have shown that soy consumption can reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer, including cancers of the breast, prostate and colon cancer.

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