Saturday, January 2, 2016


    The backbone or vertebra is irregular bones that form the spine easily moved. There are 33 spine in humans, 5 of which combine to form the sacral, and four bones form the tailbone (coccyx). Three sections on it consists of 24 bones divided into 7 cervical spine (neck), 12 bones of the thorax (thorax or chest) and, 5 lumbar spine.
    Backbone curved or crooked can cause painful problem that will get worse over time. Incorrect posture makes your bones bent. For example, the way you sit is not true, then your backbone into a slouch. Besides not good for health, crooked bones can reduce your appearance. So that the symptoms and your condition is not getting worse when you get older, you have to maintain the straightness of your back from now on.
    Some step to prevent backbone curved or crooked is make sure that your shoulder is pulled back, stomach in, and chest out. Stand sideways in front of the mirror and see if you can draw a straight line from the ear, shoulder, hip, knee, up to the middle of the ankle. For the head, make sure the upright on the shoulder. Most people tend to lean the head towards the front. If your ears aligned with the front of the chest, you have to pull the head back. Arms and hands should fall on both sides of the body, so that the shoulders show good posture. If your arm falls in the chest, pull the shoulders back. Perform stretching exercises and others to improve posture, This technique should be specifically focused on the muscles of the abdomen and back as these are the muscles that will help support your backbone. For example, Stretch your chest. Roll up a towel or cloth and stand with legs wide open. Hold the fabric rolls up tight with a hands shoulder width apart. Inhale and raise your arms to shoulder level. Then exhale and pull your arms upwards and backwards as far as possible. Hold for two tug and exhalations, then lower the arms and repeat.
    Sitting right in front of the computer. Your feet should touch the floor, your back should be straight, and the neck should be in a neutral position. This position will help reduce back pain and also straighten the back. Change your sleeping habits, If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees and a pillow under your back. This will help relieve the pressure on your back, reduce back pain and support the spine lengthening. If you sleep sideways, put a pillow between the knees in order to keep the hips aligned. Avoid sleeping face down, this will put unnecessary pressure on the spinal cord, and can cause degradation of your backbone. Over time, this position can also lead to chronic neck pain and lower back pain. Apply proper lifting techniques. Lifting and carrying heavy objects incorrectly can cause serious back pain. Bend your knees, not the waist. Abdominal muscles and legs designed to help you bring and lift objects, but not back muscles. When you are lifting an object, make sure you bend your knees, do not bend the body so that your lower back is not stressed. Bring objects that you lift in the chest. The closer the object's position to your chest, the less work your backbone to hold. Regularly massage your body, stress and tension that constantly causes stiff back muscles, thus becoming a hunchback. If your life is full of stress, do massage in your daily life

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