Friday, January 15, 2016


    Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is a kind of legumes are well known in the tropics. This plant has many benefits, especially as a source of vegetable protein is high. Mung beans boiled until soft and eaten as porridge, dumplings contents, the contents Steamed Bun, or eaten immediately. Mung beans when boiled long enough to be broken and the starch contained in the seeds will come out and thickens, becomes a kind of porridge. Mung bean sprouts or taoge is very popular vegetable in East Asia and Southeast Asia. The mung beans can also be processed into flour called hunkue flour, used in making pastries.
    The nutritional content of mung beans are high protein, carbohydrate, fiber, iron, calcium and phosphorus that are useful to strengthen bones and fat is an unsaturated fatty acid. Mung beans fat consists of 73% unsaturated fatty acids and 27% saturated fatty acids, so it is important to maintain a healthy heart. The mung beans also contain vitamin C, A, B1, folic acid, riboflavin, B6, thiamine, niacin and pantothenic
    Some benefit of mung beans is lower weight. Mung beans good for those who are in a diet program. High in fiber and low in saturated fat. For pregnant women and fetuses, based study protein content in mung beans very useful for cell growth. Women who during pregnancy diligently consume mung beans usually have babies with dense hair. Prevent diabetes, the mung beans are one of the foods that have a low glycemic index, which means good consumption for people with diabetes. foods that have a low glycemic load could slow the rise of blood sugar in the body. Strengthen bones, calcium and phosphorus in mung beans can maintain strong bones and teeth. Including helping the growth of bones and teeth in children and prevent osteoporosis in adults. Rich in fiber, mung beans have a high fiber content of 4.1 grams per 100 grams. Fiber content is in the green beans will be able to fullfill the needs of fiber until 30%. Curing anemia, iron content in mung beans can cure anemia and is one of the foods that have a very high iron content.

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