Wednesday, January 13, 2016


    Soybean is a leguminous plant that became the basis of many food ingredients from East Asia such as tempeh, soy sauce, soy bean milk, soy bean flour, tauco, tofu, and snack. Soybean is the main source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil. The world's major producer of soy are the United States despite the new soy cultivated by people outside Asia after 1910.  in 100 grams of soybean containing 286 kcal of energy, 30.2 g protein, 15.6 g fat, 30.1 g carbohydrates, 4.9 g fiber, 196 mg calcium, phosphorus 506 mg, 6.9 grams of iron, vitamin A, B, C, lecithin,fitoestrogen, and isoflavon.
    Soy beans seed into pieces two, leather-wrapped seeds and no endosperm tissue. Dry soybean seed will germinate when obtaining adequate water. Soy sprouts including epigeous, that is pieces of seed appeared above ground. Soybeans have a taproot that form the roots of branches that grow sideways (horizontal) not far from the surface. Soybean stem has a height of 30-100 cm. The stem can form a 3-6 branches, but if the distance between plant is very tight, the branch is reduced, even unbranched. Each flower has a tool soybean male and female tool and pollination occurs when the petals are still closed. Shape of Soybean fruit is pod that is capable of producing 100-250 pods. Soybean pods hairy and has yellow or gray colour.
    Some benefit of soybean is one of the best sources of vegetable protein is very high and can increase the body's metabolic functions. Program diet, soybeans can be used to lower weight because it is included in a healthier vegetable protein than animal protein. Prevention of cancer, soybean contains antioxidants so good for reducing the risk of various cancers. Antioxidants are also useful to neutralize free radicals. Maintain healthy heart, soybean actually have a fat content, but not saturated fats, foods that contain unsaturated fats will help lower cholesterol excess. Prevent osteoporosis, high calcium content and the content of phytoestrogens make soy as a food for strong bones. Good for digestion, the fiber content in soybeans helps digestion in the intestines, so that preventing constipation. Fiber content also helps control blood sugar levels. Contain folic acid which is good for the brain growth of the baby or fetus in pregnant women.

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